Who We Are
Oak Grove Baptist Church of Landrum is a Bible-based conservative church with a passion for the Lord and an enthusiasm for sharing His Love!
We believe God has called us to present the life-altering, unchanging message of Jesus Christ that provides forgiveness, hope and purpose.
Our ministry verse is Matthew 5:16 (KJV): Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Our motto is “A Light in Dark Corner,” a reference to the surrounding mountainous region once so prominently known for outlaws, moonshiners, and bootleg liquor that law enforcement called it Dark Corner. Today, our goal is to shine the Light of Jesus Christ in Dark Corner… as well as the four corners of the world!
What We Believe
The Bible - The Holy Bible is the Word of God and the authority by which we are to live our life. It is perfect, complete, and trustworthy. It reveals what we need to know to have a relationship with God and how we should live. It is the ultimate source of truth.
God - God exists eternally as one God in three persons:
God the Father reigns. He is all powerful, all knowing, all wise, and Holy.
God the Son, named Jesus, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a real death, physically raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will come again
God the Holy Spirit lives within each believer, convicting of sin, revealing truth, and empowering righteous living.
Sin - God created humans in His own image. By their free choice, all people have sinned against God. Without Jesus Christ, we will perish for our sins and will forever be separated from God.
Salvation - Salvation is freely available to anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, who died to pay the penalty for our sin. Only Jesus Christ can remove our sentence of sin. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus.
Baptism - Baptism by immersion of a believer symbolizes faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior and the believer’s death to sin, burial of the old life, and resurrection to walk in new life.
Love - God calls believers to action, sacrifice, and service by His Word, for His glory, and through His empowerment.
Family - God ordained the family as the foundational institution of society. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. The life of a child begins at conception.

Frequently Asked Questions
How many people attend?
Sunday morning attendance is typically 150 – 200.
Are you active in your community?
Very much so! The list is long… but we are actively involved in local schools, ministries, and community events.
How would you describe your Pastor?
He loves life and the Lord! He is energetic, stays in the Bible, makes practical applications, speaks the truth in love, keeps your attention with his enthusiasm (and corny jokes), and loves seeing people grow and glow.
What version of the Bible do you use?
King James Version
What is your denomination?
Southern Baptist, a member of the North Spartan Association
Are you mission-minded?
For sure! First, we serve in our own backyard, but we don’t stop there. For example, we go on a mission trip every year.
Do you have an active Youth program?
Big time! We have two groups: Sparklers (K5-5th Grade) and Shine Youth (6th-12th Grades). They are led by our Youth Minister, Ryan Howard, who has a passion for youth, missions, and the Lord!
What type of music do you sing?
Mostly hymns with occasional contemporary songs